Saturday, March 20, 2010

Men As Dogs

So here we have it- VERO-fication's Top Ten Personality Archetypes- paralleled by common canines. First of all- before anyone writes me of as a misandrist bitch- I mean this in a very interchangeable sense between the sexes- it's all just funnier with the old saying and all..

1. The Attention Whore- Poodle

Good Lord. Haven't we all seen enough of this bitch?? Truth is- every female has a snippet of the Attention Whore in her- just as every guy does with a couple females around him. It's just always annoying when it's someone else doing it.

2. The Clinger-  German Shepherd

Loyal, brains and brawn- Straight wifey material.

3. The Existentialist- Basenji

Mischievous. Aloof. Narcissistic. Hot and cold. More amused by the social scene than interested in it. Definitely my type. ;)

4. The Wimp- Chihuahua

We all know this type. When someone picks a fight in the bar on this dude, expect him to "resolve" the situation with a lightning-quick, heartfelt compliment to the menace. Pussy-whipped.

5. The Clubber- Bloodhound

Out until the wee hours of the morning every Wednesday through Sunday, perpetual bloodshot eyes, usually talking quixotic gibberish or in a violent rage. Likes really lame brand-shirts. Normal relationship lasts 4.5 days. A hot mess all around.


6. The Smart Ass- Border Collie

Know-it-all, know-nothings...unfortunate diarrhea of the mouth usually making up for what they lack in other (below the belt) areas. No one likes a smart ass!!

7. The Dumb Ass- Bulldog

Worse than The Smart Ass because their physical features more often than not are a tell-tale sign of retardation before they open their mouth to prove it.

8. The Psycho- Jack Russell

More prevalent in women than in men, we've all known at least one unforgettably remarkable, crazy-ass bitch.

9. The Doormat- Golden Retriever

Walk all over him; he'll pick up your dry-cleaning, do everything from the dishes to your fan mail, and cover you with kisses as you're beating him away with the morning sports page.

10. The Possessive- Doberman

Needs constant updates of your whereabouts throughout the day- the who, what, where, when, why, how- all in thesis form. But it's slightly cute.


  1. Love this. I'd probably be the Border Collie if I wasn't packing. ;)

  2. Lol. I can see you as a buffed-out Collie, fo sho' ;)

  3. "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man."- Mark Twain

  4. We both know you're brilliant, so I wont bother commenting on the fact. I'm actually wondering where you went. I recently lost you on twitter and haven't seen you about much else of the internet lately. Hope all is well. Still keepings all of your kings in the back row I assume.


  5. Hi Vero, whatever happened to your Facebook account? I haven't logged in for aged but when I did today your account was gone!

  6. Hey Vero, you dont know me or anything and I youtubed you out of curiosity; but just wanted to say I read your whole blog and it's really interesting. I also wanted to say, wow you are not the person I thought you were.. you are really deep and that is amazing. anyway keep writing blogs!

  7. Veronique:
    Since I can’t get this stupid Google friend connect to work, I’ll try and contact you this way. Please check out my blog at and read what I’ve blogged about you. I want to include your story in my book and activism, and I would appreciate it if you would contact me at my contact e-mail address so I can get your feedback on what I have planned.

    Thank you much,
