Saturday, December 5, 2009

Purrrfecting the Catnap.

It's lazy Saturday afternoon with Los Angeles cunty and cold outside my window, my third pot of Gloria Jean's Hazelnut coffee brewing in my igloo of a kitchen. I'm contemplating whether the despondence of the city is enough for me to stay inside my head today. Ahhhh, but I planned on doing lazy Candlelight Yoga at the gym later to bullshit myself I at least put in some "cardio". (I plan on eating fuckloads of wonderfully delicious Christmas food this holiday season cause homegirl can chow down)

So a catnap sounds about 47 shades of wonderful right now.
(....only I can't sleep at this very second.. so another 30 minutes fixed on the tedious glow of my laptop screen should do the trick...) Without further adieu, Ladies and Gents, I present my...

Recipe For An Orgasmic Catnap!:

1. At least 2 or 3 Superior Goose Down pillows. Saying "Goose Down" makes me laugh. Try it.

2. Hot Earl Grey Tea or Cocoa With Marshmellows

3.  SpaPulsh Blanket from Spa Uniforms. Inc. Great Xmas Gift, and the softest damn blanket you'll ever find at only $40. Buy here.

4. Fuzzy socks. Every last one of you should own at least 50 pairs. If not get out your credit card here.

5. Depending on whether your life's glass is half empty or half full, the most ambiguous philosophy book you can find or some good ole "Fox in Socks" by Dr. Seuss should have you snoozin' no time.



  1. Hey, it's Coberly (hopefully you remember my first name). What happened to both your Facebook profiles? All of the sudden they're gone. That sucks!
    I can only surmise that the one guy who was talking shit found some violation on your profile and had it removed.
    If you make a new one, find me. I'll be reading on here until then!

  2. You can not miss a nice CATNAP with those tips on how to achieve one. I might add to put some music that somehow hypnotize-calms you comes to my mind the following:
    "Svefn-g-englar" by Sigur Rós
    "Samba de Benção" by Bebel Gilberto
    "Chanson de Toile" by Emilie Simon
    "Hidden Place" by Björk
    "Speed Trials" by Elliot Smith

    Ok by the time those are done you will be on your REM state ;)
    Fuzzy Socks and Soft Blanket("Cobijita" as we call it down here)is for sure what I can give on Xmas as gift and Never Miss, also Body Shop products; Tons of girls on the family :D.
    Take care VV

  3. VV you should keep on updating more your Blog, it's a cool blog. Plus your writing style and what you write about do reflect your person (Well, that's I perceive)
